Our Privacy Policy
Kudos Beauty Limited, also known as Kudos Beauty Clinic, collects some data from you to help provide the best service to you.
This privacy policy explains more about what we collect and what we do with it.
We do not share your data with any 3rd parties.
What data we collect:
* Your name
* Address
* Mobile phone and/or telephone number
* Email
* Date of birth
We also store information about your previous treatments with us. We also ask you to provide some medical information. If relevant, we also store information about patch tests.
Why we need the data:
We use your name, phone number and email address to create a unique client record to record previous transactions and treatments, to help provide the best service to you. We also use this information to notify you of any changes or information regarding your appointment or service that you are due to or have received. Medical information and patch test records may be relevant to your treatment in helping to prevent adverse reactions. If you have consented to receiving it, we will use your information to contact you about occasional offers and promotions that we think would be suited to you.
Where we store your data:
Your personal information is recorded on paper client record & consent forms that is collected face to face when you first visit the salon. Forms are stored at the salon in a locked filing cabinet. Contact details are then manually input to our bespoke password protected database.
Who can access my information?
Firstly, you always have right to access your information. Details on how to do this are listed below under 'What are your rights'? Only authorised employees/directors of the company have access to your information and are only permitted to view the information if they are required to do so in order to deliver the best possible service to you.
How long do we keep it?
We keep your data for a maximum of 7 years or until it is no longer required, after which we destroy it. Emails are kept for as long as needed.
What are your rights?
You have the right to:
* See the information we hold about you.
* Correct any information we hold about you.
* Erase your information (also known as 'the right to be forgotten')
* Restrict us or object to us processing your information.
If you wish to exercise your rights, please contact us. You may contact us by email (info@kudosbeauty.co.uk), telephone 01159 877199 or alternatively you can call into the salon at 364 Carlton Hill, Carlton, Nottingham NG4 1JB.
If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your personal data, you should contact the Salon Manager and the matter will be investigated.
If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are processing your personal data not in accordance with the law you can complain to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).
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